Upper Clatford WI

Upper Clatford WI News 2022
The Upper Clatford WI continues to be a thriving group within our community. We managed to keep our members together over the period of the pandemic, and also welcomed many more new members.
We have recently welcomed our new President, Nicky Villalard who took over in May 2022 from Pam Finlay. Pam did a wonderful job over the past three years, more than two of these years during the Covid situation, so we are eternally grateful to her for her continued hard work for our group. Nicky came forward and was elected President at our recent AGM, so we thank her for stepping up and wish her all the best for the future. We have a committee of 10 members who will work hard for the ladies in our group.
We continue to have some interesting, informative and entertaining speakers who come to our monthly meetings which are held in the Village Hall every 3rd Wednesday at 7.30pm. We have had such diverse topics such as “Bollywood dancing”, History of Portsmouth, Dream Interpretation, The Andover Women’s Crisis Centre, Andover Trees, The RNLI, “Hats off to Millinery”, “Spitfire, the Hampshire Connection” and a talk by a retired Port of Dover Customs officer, to name but a few from the past year.
Our group have some enthusiastic “crafters” and we have recently been enjoying using the Church Meadow room for workshops including bead bracelet making, card making, scented candle making, Macrame, with more interesting topics to come led by some of our members.
We have enjoyed recent outings to the Silk Mill at Whitchurch, Exbury Gardens, 10 Pin bowling in town and our regular monthly lunches which Marilyn kindly organises for us. A small group of walkers get together monthly for a ramble, led by Liz and her husband Eric! We now have two book groups which meet at the end of the month to discuss the books read. Thanks to Jenny L and Lindsey for continuing their excellent organisation for us.
We enjoyed this year’s very successful May Fayre when we ran the very popular tea tent, and no doubt we will be called upon to do the same next year!
Our thanks to all of our members for keeping Upper Clatford WI relevant, modern and fresh as we approach our 104th Birthday in 2023.
For further information please contact Maureen (394806)
June 2022
For more information on Hampshire WI please follow this link: https://hampshirewi.org.uk/