UC Conservation Group
Upper Clatford Conservation Group - join the fun!
Are you interested in looking after our beautiful Parish area? If so, the UC Conservation Group is a bunch of like-minded individuals who give up a couple of hours on the first Saturday of each month to improve our public areas. Tasks range from ivy and tree management, footpath clearance, heritage restoration and riverside management. The tools used range from secateurs and pruning saws to brushcutters and chainsaws, but volunteers use the tools with which they feel comfortable and are qualified to use, so don’t be put off if a chainsaw is not for you!
Most parishioners believe that all of our land is fully managed by either TVBC or Hampshire County Council, however our ground maintenance contract with TVBC largely covers grass cutting and the Hampshire Countryside Access team has responsibility for an enormous area with limited resources and relies upon an army of volunteers to undertake many of their tasks. The UC Conservation Group fills the void and the generous volunteers from the Parish make a huge difference to the look of our surroundings.
If you are interested in joining us please get in touch with Cllr Richard Bennett Cllrrbennett@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk and we will welcome you to the Group at our next day of action.