Welcome to the Upper Clatford Parish Council website, funded by the council to provide a unified site for visitors seeking information on the council's activities, activities within the parish as well as some key local documents.
Upper Clatford parish comprises the communities known locally as Upper Clatford, Anna Valley and Red Rice. The parish is situated south of Andover and is separated from Andover by a designated gap through which the Anton River flows. The Upper Clatford element of the parish is in a Conservation area.
The parish lies within the Test Valley Borough Council domain and our county council is Hampshire County Council. The parliamentary constituency is Romsey and Southampton North.
Our parish councillors and their responsibilities are:
P Heslop: (Chairman) e mail - cllrpheslop@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Pan Parish Forum, Chalk Pit WG
R Bennett: (Vice Chairman) e mail - cllrrbennett@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Planning, Chalk Pit WG (Chairman) Footpath & Open Spaces.
C Crosthwaite Eyre: e mail - cllrceyre@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Finance, Pillhill Brook Association, Chalk Pit WG
C Williams: e mail - cllrcwilliams@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Play Areas
R Hydes: e mail - cllrrhydes@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk- Planning, Chalk Pit WG, Highways & Street Lighting
R Hawkins: e mail - cllrrhawkins@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk- Pavilion & Sports Field Liaison, Highways & Street Lighting
N Freemantle: e mail - cllrnfreemantle@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk
P Littlehales: e mail - cllrplittlehales@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Chalk Pit WG
E Dawson:e mail - cllredawson@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Planning
G Dawson: e mail cllrgdawson@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Chalk Pit WG, Environment
Please email the Parish Clerk in the first instance though if you want to discuss or raise anything with the councillors. Email: clerk@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk
All the councillors are volunteers, giving their time for free for the benefit of the community, they receive no payment for their services and in most cases give a lot of their time to deliver this role for the community.
Upper Clatford
- Upper Clatford
Upper Clatford Parish Council News
The next council meeting will be on the 8th January at 7.30pm in the King Edward VII Memorial Village Hall
Happy New Year